The Myopic Environment anti-pattern is reflective of a developer's mentality of falsely assuming that if their code works in one environment, their job is done. 环境近视症反模式反映了开发人员错误地认为自己的代码能在一个环境工作,自己的工作就算完成这种想法。
You must deal with all the exceptions, such as primitives and arrays, when you write reflective code. 编写反射代码的时候,必须处理所有的异常,比如原语和数组。
The reflective technique of (. NET) can simplify the complexity of factory code and the creation of objects. NET反射技术可以简化工厂代码的复杂程度和对象的生成。
NET by the reflective technology and the XML configure file. It also gives the concrete analysis and realization code. NET平台上,通过反射技术和XML配置文件,构造可复用软件体系结构的方案,并给出了具体的分析和实现代码。